Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blue Moon By Alyson Noel

Book: Blue Moon
Author: Alyson Noel
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: 9/10
Alyson noel did an excellent job writing the second book in her immortal series.At this rate her series is going to be a hit. The plot got really intense by the end of the book and I can't wait to read her next book. Now that Ever and Damen are getting serious there's no one and nothing getting in their way. But strangely as Ever's power increases Damen's slowly slips away. Also a new kid named Roman enrolls in the school and Ever  has a bad feeling about him as soon as she sees him. But the thing is that she can see his aura and thoughts. Damen starts to ignore Ever little by little and Ever starts to lose her grasp on Damen. Later in the book Damen changes into a whole diffrent person. As if he and Ever never had a relationship. Ever's world starts breaking apart. As her friends and everyone slips away from her. In an attempt to save Damen of this mysterious illness she travels to summerland a dimension between dimensions. Where she starts to uncover the truth and secrets of Damen's past. A brutal, tortured, history that he hoped to keep hiddden about his parents,Drina, and past. Somewhere along the way Ever discovers the workings of time. She is left to make one huge decision between saving her family from the accident that took their lives or to stay in the past and save Damen who grows weaker everday.But what if Damen's illness wasn't an accident? What if there was someone out there planning to destroy Ever and Damen? In the end of the book Alyson Noel added a crazy twist leaving you wanting more.All I can tell you is that not everyone is who they say they are.